Jayroom Wiki

Gideon Michael/Mikeal is your classic well-raised and well-rounded nigga, he's highschool, sophomore year, black belt in martial arts, and a medium size white dick. He goes by many names that many of you may recognize. He has been a spectator in the anime community for a very long time, possibly since 08 or beginning 09.

Born and raised in California, still looking for the perfect waifu online or offline! If you can help pls contact him in the great jayroom group! 

This is all that is available of him, additional information can be of value! 

He somewhat resembles Yu from Persona 4, people tend to refer to this man as a pimp for obtaining so many bitches (which can be a reference to persona 4 with personas and social links). The only livestreams his face is available in is one of Xaladin's, others are just him through audio communication!! If found any hardcore images please upload!!


He somewhat may resemble to Yu Narukami from Persona 4, people tend to refer to this man as a pimp for obtaining so many bitches (which can be a reference to persona 4 with personas and social links). The only livestreams his face is available in is one of Xaladin's, others are just him through audio communication!! If found any hardcore images please upload!!
